
The "House of Defilers," originally known as the Lammasu, were once the angels of the deep, inspiring humanity to explore their inner depths and the mysteries of the world. As fallen angels, they are now driven by an insatiable longing and are capable of inciting deep desires and passions in others. Defilers are both charismatic and dangerous, using their powers to manipulate emotions and desires.

"We are the keepers of longing, the whisperers of desire. In the depths of the soul, we ignite the flames of passion and yearning."
Naamah, the Siren of Sorrows

According to legend, during the War of Wrath, the Defilers harnessed their powers to inspire their infernal allies and devastate their enemies with titanic storms and emotional manipulation. Their presence was both awe-inspiring and terrifying, embodying the beauty and peril of the deep.

The Defilers, originally known as the Lammasu, were the muses and inspirers of longing. Their house lores encompass control over emotions, storms, and physical transformation. These lores allow them to manipulate desires, control weather, and alter physical forms. Here is a list of the house lores available to the Defilers:

  • Lore of Longing: This lore grants Defilers the ability to sense and manipulate emotions, inspire desires, and create powerful attractions. It includes abilities such as Emotional Manipulation, which allows them to control and alter the emotions of others, and Irresistible Allure, making them incredibly charismatic and compelling.
  • Lore of Storms: This lore gives Defilers mastery over weather and storms, enabling them to summon and control powerful natural forces. Abilities include Storm Summoning, which calls forth devastating storms, and Weather Control, allowing them to manipulate weather patterns to their advantage.
  • Lore of Transfiguration: This lore focuses on physical transformation and alteration, granting Defilers the ability to change their own or others' forms. It includes powers such as Shapechange, allowing them to assume different physical forms, and Fleshcrafting, enabling them to alter physical features and heal wounds.

The lores of the Defilers serve to inspire, manipulate, and transform. Each lore reflects their intrinsic connection to longing and desire, as well as their mastery over the elements and physical forms.