The "House of Devils," originally known as the Namaru, were once the Heralds of Heaven, charged with bearing the word of the Creator to every part of the cosmos. They later became the champions of humanity, bringing their divine authority and majesty to the guardianship of mankind. Now, as fallen angels, they are charismatic tempters and deceivers, focused on social and political power.
"As the arbiters of the Creator's Will, we once wielded the Celestial Word to shape creation. Now, we stand as the harbingers of a new dawn, where divine authority is reclaimed by the fallen."
Armaros, the Voice of Command
According to legend, during the early centuries of the War of Wrath, the Devils were responsible for the first destructive applications of rituals, wielding them during the siege of Genhinnom. The Heavenly Host descended on Lucifer’s cathedral city with a huge army, intent on capturing the Morningstar. For seven days and nights, the Crimson Legion held the walls, while Lucifer and his lieutenants, including the Devils, unleashed a devastating storm that hurled back the Heavenly Host in terror and dismay.
The Devils, originally known as the Namaru, were the Heralds of Heaven. Their house lores encompass control over celestial power, fire, and radiance. These lores allow them to command divine authority, harness the destructive power of flames, and inspire awe and devotion in others. Here is a list of the house lores available to the Devils:
- Lore of the Celestials: This lore grants Devils the ability to control divine light and celestial fire, offering powers such as healing, protection, and the ability to wield holy energy against their foes.
- Lore of Flame: This lore gives Devils mastery over fire, enabling them to summon and control flames, incite fiery passions, and unleash devastating infernos upon their enemies.
- Lore of Radiance: This lore focuses on the power of light and majesty, allowing Devils to inspire awe, command attention, and radiate an aura of divine authority that can overawe and influence groups of mortals.
The lores of the Devils serve to assert their dominance, maintain order, and protect their interests. Each lore reflects their former roles as leaders and messengers, now turned to the task of imposing their will upon the world and reclaiming their lost glory.