The "House of Fiends," originally known as the Neberu, were once the angels charged with charting the stars, measuring the seasons, and maintaining the universe's grand design. As fallen angels, they seek to regain their lost knowledge and restore the balance of creation. Fiends are masters of perception, intuition, and the manipulation of reality itself.
"In the vast tapestry of creation, we are the weavers of destiny and the architects of fate. Through us, the lost order shall be restored."
Sariel, the Seeker of Truth
According to legend, during the War of Wrath, the Fiends used their mastery over the cosmos to foresee enemy movements and manipulate events to their advantage. Their presence was a beacon of insight and strategy on the battlefield.
The Fiends, originally known as the Neberu, were the keepers of cosmic order. Their house lores encompass control over patterns, portals, and light. These lores allow them to manipulate the fundamental aspects of reality, create and traverse gateways, and control light in all its forms. Here is a list of the house lores available to the Fiends:
- Lore of Patterns: This lore grants Fiends the ability to perceive and manipulate complex patterns, predict future events, and understand the intricate workings of the universe. It includes powers such as Divination, which allows them to foresee potential futures, and Pattern Weaving, enabling them to alter the threads of fate.
- Lore of Portals: This lore gives Fiends mastery over spatial dynamics, allowing them to create and control portals, traverse vast distances instantly, and manipulate gateways. Abilities include Doorway into Darkness, which creates portals to hidden or distant places, and Spatial Warp, allowing them to bend space to their will.
- Lore of Light: This lore focuses on the manipulation of light and illusions, enabling Fiends to create dazzling displays, bend light around objects to render them invisible, and conjure illusions. It includes powers such as Radiant Aura, which blinds and confounds enemies, and Illusory Guise, allowing them to alter their appearance at will.
The lores of the Fiends serve to maintain the balance of creation, protect the sanctity of knowledge, and enforce the cosmic order. Each lore reflects their intrinsic connection to the grand design and their role as its vigilant guardians.