The "House of Malefactors," originally known as the Annunaki, were once the shapers of the earth, sculpting the mountains and valleys, and teaching humanity the secrets of crafting and construction. As fallen angels, they continue to mold and manipulate the physical world, becoming the forgers of the infernal realms. Malefactors are known for their mastery over the elements and their ability to create and destroy with equal ease.
"We are the architects of creation and destruction, the forgers of reality. In our hands, the earth itself bends and yields to our designs."
Tammuz, the Earthshaper
According to legend, during the War of Wrath, the Malefactors used their mastery over the earth to create impregnable fortresses and devastating weapons. Their presence was a testament to the raw, elemental power of the infernal hosts.
The Malefactors, originally known as the Annunaki, were the shapers of the earth. Their house lores encompass control over earth, paths, and the forge. These lores allow them to manipulate the elements, create and control pathways, and forge powerful artifacts. Here is a list of the house lores available to the Malefactors:
- Lore of the Earth: This lore grants Malefactors the ability to control and shape the earth, including metals and stone. It includes abilities such as Earthquake, which causes the ground to tremble and split, and Shape Metal, allowing them to mold metal as if it were clay.
- Lore of Paths: This lore gives Malefactors mastery over travel and pathways, enabling them to create and control paths, portals, and gateways. Abilities include Pathway Creation, which opens routes through the physical and spiritual worlds, and Barrier, allowing them to seal or protect paths.
- Lore of the Forge: This lore focuses on the creation and manipulation of objects, granting Malefactors the ability to forge powerful artifacts and weapons. It includes powers such as Create Relic, which imbues objects with supernatural properties, and Repair, allowing them to mend or enhance existing items.
The lores of the Malefactors serve to assert their mastery over the physical world, ensuring their creations stand as monuments to their power. Each lore reflects their intrinsic connection to the earth and their role as its eternal shapers and forgers.