
The "House of Slayers," originally known as the Halaku, were once the Angels of Death, charged with guiding souls to the afterlife and maintaining the balance between life and death. They are feared and respected for their mastery over death and the spirit world, now focusing on their grim duty with a fierce dedication. As fallen angels, they embrace their role as harbingers of the end and shepherds of souls.

"We are the keepers of the final breath, the shepherds of souls. Death is not an end but a transition, and we ensure that every soul reaches its destined place."
Azrael, the Angel of Death

According to legend, during the early centuries of the War of Wrath, the Slayers wielded their powers to protect souls and guide the newly dead. Their presence on the battlefield was both a blessing and a curse, as they ended suffering but also inspired dread among the living.

The Slayers, originally known as the Halaku, were the Angels of Death. Their house lores encompass control over death, the spirit world, and the realms beyond. These lores allow them to command the forces of mortality, interact with spirits, and traverse different planes of existence. Here is a list of the house lores available to the Slayers:

  • Lore of Death: This lore grants Slayers the ability to witness the last moments of life from a corpse, cause rapid decay, extinguish life with a touch, and raise and control the dead. It includes powers such as Decay, which accelerates the breakdown of matter, and Unlife, allowing them to raise corpses as obedient servants or providing a viable body for a spirit to inhabit.
  • Lore of the Spirit: This lore gives Slayers mastery over the spirit world, enabling them to summon and command spirits, bind souls, and travel to the realms of the dead. They can protect spirits, create spirit sanctuaries, and even incarnate spirits temporarily. Abilities include Summon Spirit and Incarnate Spirit, which allows a spirit to take on a physical form temporarily.
  • Lore of the Realms: This lore focuses on the power to navigate and manipulate different planes of existence, allowing Slayers to create portals, traverse realms, and shape the boundaries between worlds. It includes abilities such as Shadow Realm, which creates a shadowy reflection of the spirit realm, and Portal, allowing instantaneous travel between distant locations.

The lores of the Slayers serve to fulfill their role as guides of the dead, maintain the balance between life and death, and protect the sanctity of the afterlife. Each lore reflects their solemn duty to ensure that every soul reaches its destined place and that the cycle of life and death continues unbroken.