
Lore of Awakening

The Lore of Awakening is central to the sacred task of infusing the bodies of the newborn with the spark of life and keeping their charges free from sickness and injury.

"In the grand tapestry of existence, the Lore of Awakening is the divine thread that breathes vitality into the frailty of flesh. It is the sacred duty bestowed upon us to kindle the spark of life in the newly formed and to shield them from the tendrils of sickness and injury. Through this lore, we uphold the celestial promise that life, however fleeting, will be nurtured and guarded against the shadows that seek to mar its brilliance." - Seraphiel, Guardian of the First Flame
Azariel, Harbinger of Vitality

Powers from Lore of Awakening

Find the Faithful
This evocation allows a Scourge to locate specific individuals, mortal or demon, by homing in on their store of Faith.
Roll Perception + Awareness. The difficulty depends on how much information your character has concerning the subject. If she has the subject’s mundane name, the difficulty is 8. If the subject is a demon and the character knows the subject’s Celestial Name, the difficulty is 7. If she knows the demon’s True Name the difficulty is 6. The Scourge can detect and home in on an individual up to a number of miles away equal to her permanent Faith score. Demons being actively sought in this manner can use their supernatural awareness to detect the search as a reflexive action (see the sections on inherent powers for details). If a demon detects the search, he may avoid detection with a Willpower roll (difficulty 8). If he gets more successes than the Scourge, he evades the search.
Monstrous demons can detect only sources of spiritual decay or corruption. They may use this evocation to seek out individuals whose Faith or Willpower has been reduced to zero.
Example Usage
Scourges use this evocation to purify a living being, be it plant, animal or human. By focusing their Faith on a target, any poisons, infections or diseased tissue are literally expelled from the body, emerging as a black, viscous fluid.
Roll Stamina + Medicine. The difficulty of the roll depends on the virulence and scope of the disease or poison. Cleansing a body of the effects of alcohol is difficulty 6, while a virulent disease such as tuberculosis or cancer is difficulty 8 or higher. The process is all or nothing. The evocation overcomes the illness or it doesn’t, and only one attempt may be made by a single demon on a single subject for a specific instance of an ailment or poison. A Scourge must be able to touch her target in order to perform this evocation.
Monstrous Scourges use this evocation to spread sickness and corruption. Each success generated by a Faith roll inflicts one level of bashing damage to a living victim. What’s more, the victim suffers an additional level of bashing damage and loses one temporary Willpower point each day thereafter as the corruption spreads through the victim’s system. The sickness cannot be cured with medical attention. It continues to affect the victim for a number of days equal to the Scourge’s Faith score.
Example Usage
This evocation allows the Scourge to heal even the worst injuries of demon and mortal alike.
Roll Stamina + Medicine. The Scourge can heal all of a target’s bashing damage or one health level of lethal or aggravated damage per success. The character must be able to touch her target to perform this evocation.
Monstrous Scourges use this evocation to poison a victim’s body. Each success lowers a target’s Stamina temporarily. If the target loses all her Stamina, she falls into a coma and suffers one health level of aggravated damage (or lethal damage if a victim is not subject to aggravated damage) per hour per success remaining unless she receives medical attention in time. Stamina is lost for a number of days equal to the demon’s Faith score.
Example Usage
This powerful evocation allows a Scourge to infuse non-living objects with the breath of God, giving them a form of rudimentary life.
Spend one Faith point and roll Intelligence + Crafts. The total number of successes achieved forms a dice pool that you roll for any actions that the animated object performs in a given turn. The object is not intelligent or self-aware, it is an extension of the demon’s will. The demon may animate a number of objects equal to her permanent Faith score at one time. The effects of the evocation last for a single scene. A demon must first touch an object in order to animate it, but he can control it from a distance as long as he can see it.
A monstrous Scourge is capable of animating an object as easily as her low-Torment peers, but the objects she touches are filled with the taint of her anger and pain. Unless she controls them with an iron will, they lash out at the nearest living things they find, friend or foe. Make a Willpower roll for each object per turn. The difficulty of the roll is equal to your demon’s Torment. If a roll fails, your demon loses control of that object for the duration of the turn and it goes berserk, attacking the nearest living being it can reach. If the demon is content to allow an object to run amok, no roll is needed.
Example Usage
Restore Life
This potent evocation allows a Scourge to breathe life into the bodies of the dead, restoring their vitality if not their souls. Unless a soul is available to be connected to the body, the result is a mindless zombie under the demon’s complete control.
Spend one Faith point and roll Stamina + Medicine. The difficulty depends on how long the body has been deceased. A freshly dead corpse is difficulty 6, while one dead for several days or as long as a week might be difficulty 7 or higher. Older bodies cannot be restored. If successful, the body is returned to life, but unless the Scourge is also able to furnish the body with a soul, the result is a mindless zombie that the demon can control. Disembodiedlamaypossestheseanimatedcorpseswith the Scourge’s permission, or they can try to wrest control from the demon with a resisted Willpower roll. The effects of this evocation last for a single scene, unless you wish to spend a temporary Willpower point to make the restoration permanent. Your demon may restore a number of bodies at any given time equal to her Faith score. Subjects must be within your character’s Faith score in yards to be affected. A monstrous Scourge is capable of restoring life as easily as her low-Torment peers, but the bodies she raises are filled with the taint of her anger and pain. Unless she controls them with an iron will, they lash out at the nearest living things they find, friend or foe.
Make a Willpower roll for each raised body per turn. The difficulty is equal to your demon’s Torment. If a roll fails, the demon loses control for the duration of the turn, and the body goes berserk, attacking the nearest living being it can reach. If your character is content to allow the body to run amok, no roll is needed.
Example Usage