
Lore of Death

The Lore of Death allows a Slayer to control and manipulate the forces of decay and the secrets of the dead.

"In the grand tapestry of creation, decay is not an end, but a transformation—a passage from one state of being to another. To wield the Lore of Death is to hold the keys to this underworld symphony, orchestrating the dance of entropy and rebirth. We are the stewards of finality, the keepers of secrets that slip beyond mortal comprehension, whispering to the shadows and commanding the silent legions of the departed. Through us, death is given purpose, a divine note in the eternal song of existence."

Powers from Lore of Death

Read Fate
This evocation allows the demon to look into the eyes of a dead body and see the manner in which he or she died.
Roll Perception + Awareness. The number of successes achieved determines the amount of detail your character can determine about the mortal’s fate. One success provides a picture of the moment of death. Each additional success goes further back in time, from minutes at two successes, hours at three days at four. It also provides a broader context for the circumstances behind the person’s passing.
Monstrous demons are able to discern a subject’s fate only if that person died as a result of violence, whether accidental or intentional.
Example Usage
One of the Reaper’s primary powers, this evocation accelerates the process of decay, reducing living and non-living matter to its component particles.
Your Slayer must be able to touch his intended target to perform this evocation. Roll Stamina + Medicine. Each success inflicts one health level of aggravated damage (lethal damage to a mortal). If performed on a dead body, each success removes a point from the body’s Stamina.
Monstrous demons affect people and objects in an area as opposed to single targets. Everything within a radius of yards equal to the character’s Faith score is affected.
Example Usage
Vision of Mortality
This evocation saw frequent use in the War of Wrath, permitting Slayers to fill the minds of their foes with visions of impending death. Even battle-hardened angels found their mettle sorely tested by these bone-chilling sights, throwing down their arms and fleeing before the Halaku’s remorseless advance.
Roll Manipulation + Intuition. The target resists the evocation with a Willpower roll, using the Slayer’s Faith as the difficulty. If you succeed, the target abandons her action and flees from your demon’s presence. If the target’s Willpower roll botches, she flees and suffers a temporary derangement. This evocation can target individuals up to an area of yards equal to your character’s Faith rating. A target who wins the resisted roll cannot be subjected to this evocation again for the remainder of the scene.
Monstrous demons affect every living being around them as opposed to a specific target. The demon affects targets within a number of yards equal to their Faith Score, and resisted Willpower rolls are made for each potential victim.
Example Usage
Extinguish Life
The Reaper’s touch means death. By placing a hand on a living body and exerting her will, a demon can sever a victim’s soul from his body, killing him instantly. This capability can be used on the fallen as well, but rather than cause instant death, the evocation produces an icy chill that saps the vitality from a demon’s body.
The Slayer must be able to physically touch her intended target to perform this evocation. Spend one Faith point and roll Strength + Awareness. Compare your successes to the target’s Stamina. If your successes exceed the target’s Stamina, he is killed instantly. If your successes are less than the target’s Stamina, each one inflicts a level of bashing damage as the Slayer’s icy touch saps the strength from the mortal’s body. If this evocation is employed against another demon and the successes exceed the target’s Stamina, each success inflicts a level of aggravated damage. If the successes are less than the demon’s Stamina, apply them as levels of bashing damage.
Monstrous demons do not need to touch their victims to employ this evocation. Their icy hatred radiates from them in all directions, stilling the hearts of living beings. The high-Torment version of this evocation affects every living being within a number of yards equal to your character’s Faith Score.
Example Usage
This powerful evocation allows a living body to function without the presence of a soul or vital spirit, creating an unliving creature completely under the Slayer’s control.
Spend one Faith point and roll Stamina + Medicine. A walking-dead creature has only one point in each of its Physical Attributes upon creation, though each extra success can be used to add additional points in any Physical Attributes, at your discretion. These creatures do not suffer wound penalties in combat, using their full dice pools at all times. They must suffer no less than 10 health levels of damage before being destroyed. Undead minions are mindless automatons, acting solely according to your demon’s will. Each time your character wants one of her minions to perform an action, make a Willpower roll (difficulty 7). If your character controls more than one creature at a time, you must divide your Willpower pool among them per turn. A failed roll causes a zombie to continue the last action it was commanded to perform.
Monstrous demons cannot prevent their Torment from infusing creations with an unnatural craving for violence, raising flesh-eating monsters that must be held in check constantly or they attack any living thing they can reach, including the Slayer herself. If not programmed with a set of instructions, these creatures go into a violent frenzy unless their creator makes a successful Willpower roll (difficulty 8) each turn. This Willpower roll is in addition to any impose commandments from action to action.
Example Usage