
Lore of Patterns

The Lore of Patterns allows a Fiend to sense and influence the grand design of the universe, predicting and manipulating events based on the hidden connections between all things.

"Ah, but you see, the Lore of Patterns is not merely a tool—it is the code that underlies the cosmos itself. With it, we, the Fiends, can perceive the intricate web of destiny, the delicate threads that bind the past, present, and future together. Imagine being able to whisper to the universe, gently nudging the strands of fate to weave a tapestry more to your liking. It's the dance of inevitability, where every beat, every note, is discernible and malleable. Through this lore, we stand at the loom of creation, where choices ripple through time like stones cast into an endless sea. To master it is to glimpse the mind of the Divine, to bend the very nature of reality to one's will. In the grand design, nothing is truly random; everything is interconnected."

Powers from Lore of Patterns

Sense Congruence
This evocation allows a Fiend to sense localities or people that are at the heart of a convergence of consequential forces. By reading the forces at work in the great design, the Fiend can use this power to always be in the right place at the right time.
Your character must specify what kind of event she tries to detect (e.g., the invocation of a summoning ritual, a car accident), and you roll Perception + Intuition. Your character can sense the pattern a number of days into the future equal to her Faith score. The number of successes determines how much information the Fiend receives. One shows the location where the event will occur, but not when or where. Two successes show the location and give an idea of when it will happen. Three successes show where and when the event will occur, as well as images of the people involved.
Monstrous demons are able to use this evocation to search only for impending events of violence and destruction.
Example Usage
Trace Pattern
This evocation allows the Fiend to view a particular event and analyze the various forces that caused it to occur. This insight comes in the form of vague impressions that sharpen into detailed images as the demon devotes her unblinking attention to them.
Your character must be at the location where the event in question occurred to work this evocation. Make a Perception + Intuition roll. The number of successes rolled determines how detailed the picture of a particular event is. One success depicts the immediate circumstances surrounding the event. Two reveal a few minutes preceding the event. Three successes might take the demon back a quarter of an hour to give a broader idea of the forces leading up to the event.
Monstrous Fiends can attempt to trace any pattern they wish, but they can focus only on sources of violence or injury that pertain to the event.
Example Usage
This potent evocation allows the Fiend to read the tides of fate in her immediate area and predict events and actions that are about to occur.
Roll Wits + Intuition. The evocation takes effect for a number of turns equal to the successes rolled. This evocation protects the Fiend from being taken by surprise and takes the character out of the normal initiative system. As the other players and the Storyteller announce actions in Initiative order, you can interrupt your character's action at any point during the turn.
Monstrous demons are less interested in viewing the subtle shifts of patterns as they are in inflicting misery on their victims. The duration of the high-Torment version of this evocation is a single turn, but each success gives the demon a free dodge action that can be used against any attacks directed at the Fiend regardless of her own initiative.
Example Usage
Causal Influence
A Fiend can use this powerful evocation to gain insight into events up to several days into the future, and depending on her intentions, she can home in on which causal threads she must affect to achieve a desired result.
This evocation can be focused on a specific person (difficulty 6), place (difficulty 7) or upcoming event (difficulty 9). Spend one Faith point and roll Perception + Intuition. The number of successes rolled determines how many days into the future the Fiend can view regarding any subject. It also determines how many questions the player can ask the Storyteller about what the character sees.
Monstrous demons use this evocation to gain insight into the dangers surrounding an individual, and how to manipulate these insights to cause injury or misfortune.
Example Usage
Twist Time
This powerful evocation allows the Fiend to alter the flow of time within a small area, shifting it out of phase with the rest of the cosmos. The Fiend and anyone else within this bubble of distorted time may act faster or slower than the normal flow of the universe.
Spend one Faith point and roll Stamina + Intuition. The difficulty is determined by the effect the Fiend wishes to achieve. If he wants to speed time up (everything within the bubble moves faster than the world around it), the difficulty is 7. If she wants to slow time (everything within the bubble moves slower than the world around it), the difficulty is 8. If she wants to stop time (the outside world freezes in relation to the bubble) the difficulty is 9. The number of successes determines how many turns the evocation lasts. When the evocation is in effect, nothing and no one inside the bubble can interact with the world beyond, and vice versa. To the outside world, the demon and everyone within the bubble simply disappear. Within the bubble, actions may be taken as normal. Objects and individuals can exit the bubble (or be forced out), in which case they return to the normal time stream. If the Fiend herself leaves the bubble, it collapses, returning the time stream to normal. Outsiders who enter the bubble's space join its altered time unless your character wishes it.
Monstrous demons use this evocation to hurl unsuspecting victims out of phase with the time stream. To the victim, the experience is instantaneous and horrifying, a momentary brush with the void between realms that leaves terrible scars on a person's sanity. The evocation affects every individual within a number of yards equal to the character's Faith score and the difficulty of the victim's resisted roll using their Willpower, with the difficulty equal to the Fiend's Torment. Victims knocked out of phase disappear for a number of turns based on how fast or slow time passes in the bubble compared to the outside world. When they return to the normal time flow, victims lose one temporary Willpower for each turn they were out of phase. If this loss reduces their Willpower to zero, victims suffer a permanent derangement.
Example Usage