
Lore of Storms

Lore of Storms grants control over the weather, from summoning rain to calling down lightning.

"Once, I wielded the Lore of Storms with the grace of celestial symphony, altering the skies as an artist commands a canvas. These powers are not mere tools; they are the brushstrokes of creation itself, weaving wind and water, thunder and lightning, with divine intention. To summon rain is to nourish the land, to call down lightning is to wield the judgment of the heavens. In every storm you see, know that it is crafted with both purpose and precision—a testament to our celestial craftsmanship and our dominion over nature."

Powers from Lore of Storms

Summon Water
The demon can summon water from any nearby source, causing anything from a sudden, concealing fog to a torrential flash flood.
Roll Stamina + Survival. The number of successes required depends on the amount of water the Defiler wishes to summon. If the demon wants to call up a thick fog (increasing the difficulty of all Perception rolls by two), one success is sufficient. If she wants to douse the area with a sudden shower, two successes are required. If she wants a torrent of water, three successes or more. Individuals caught in such a torrent or flood suffer the effects of drowning.
A raging flood demands four successes or more. Individuals caught in such a torrent or flood suffer the effects of drowning.
Example Usage
Water Form
This evocation allows the Defiler to transform her physical body into water, either as a liquid or a mist.
Roll Stamina + Medicine. Once transformed, the character leaves her clothes and possessions behind. She can travel anywhere water or air can reach while in water or mist form, and she is immune to any damage. The Defiler can remain in this form for a number of turns equal to her Faith score.
The water form of a monstrous demon is polluted by its Torment, and contact with it causes chemical burns. For each turn that a victim is exposed to the Defiler's 'body,' he suffers one health level of lethal damage.
Example Usage
Manipulate Weather
This evocation allows the Defiler to nudge existing weather patterns, pushing away storm fronts or drawing them to her with surprising speed, and altering the local temperatures.
Roll Intelligence + Science. The number of successes achieved determines the severity of the weather pattern that the Defiler can manipulate. Affecting a minor rainstorm requires only one success, while affecting a thunderstorm requires two. Major storms require three successes to manipulate, and truly powerful phenomena such as tornadoes or hurricanes require four or more. Alternatively, the Defiler can raise or lower the temperature in her area by a degree per success rolled. This evocation affects an area with a radius in miles equal to the demon's Faith score. Note that all weather manipulated must be present. This power cannot spontaneously create new weather effects.
Monstrous demons increase the intensity of local weather patterns rather than alter their course, turning a spring shower into a raging tornado or a light snowfall into a blizzard.
Example Usage
Command the Storm
A Defiler can use this evocation to create weather patterns at will, conjuring a storm out of thin air and banishing a hurricane with a wave of her hand.
Spend one Faith and roll Intelligence + Science. The difficulty is determined by the environment and the type of weather the Defiler wishes to create. Calling up a thunderstorm near the ocean is difficulty 6. Creating one in the middle of the Arizona desert is difficulty 9. Banishing existing weather patterns is resolved with a difficulty of 7. The number of successes rolled determines the intensity of the weather pattern that the Defiler can create or calm. A rain shower or a light snowfall requires only one success, while a tornado or a massive hurricane requires four or more. This evocation affects an area with a radius in miles equal to the demon's Faith score. Once summoned, the weather effect runs its natural course unless affected by additional evocations.
Monstrous demons can command the weather with equal ease, but their effects are always inimical. Storms bring damaging wind, hail, and lightning. Even creating clear skies can invoke extreme temperature changes or suffocating humidity.
Example Usage
Invoke the Storm
The Defiler can surround herself with a raging storm at will, creating wind, water, and lightning in an area as small as a room or as large as a city block. The heart of the storm is centered on the demon, and it moves as she moves. It causes her no harm, though.
Spend one Faith point and roll Stamina + Survival. The difficulty is determined by the environment the Defiler is in. Conjuring a storm outside, with rain clouds overhead, is difficulty 6. Conjuring a storm in the air-conditioned environment of an office is difficulty 9. The successes form a dice pool that you roll while your character directs the effect of the storm. If she wishes to use wind to knock someone down or blow open doors and windows, roll this dice pool in lieu of Strength. If she wants to fire lightning at a target, roll the pool against a difficulty of 9. Each success generates one lightning bolt that strikes the target automatically and imposes a number of lethal damage dice equal to the Defiler's Torment score. The storm affects an area with a radius in yards equal to the character's Faith score and lasts for an equal number of turns unless banished.
Monstrous Defilers raise storms that lash out indiscriminately at any living being caught in the area, punishing them with fierce winds and lightning. Each turn, roll a single die (difficulty 9) for each person within the storm's radius. If a roll is successful, someone is struck with a bolt of lightning. Furthermore, the buffeting winds increase the difficulties of all subjects' actions by two.
Example Usage